Welcome to the showcase of my creative journey. Dive in to explore the diverse range of projects I’ve crafted over time, be it in C#, Python, or Unity. Excited to share my passion and innovations with you!

These are the projects I am currently working on

Project name: Legend by me

This is a relative big project that I’ve decided to try to create. It’s using the Dungeons and Dragons ruleset, where you build a character and roll the dice to get the stats and also roll the dice to make the outcome of the decisions in the game. When the game starts, you create a character. That character will be stored ina database. When building the character, you are being asked a lot of questions, to determine which type of character you are – the personality. This will also be in line with what kind of missions / challenges you’ll meet in the future.

The game has a huge database of lores, monsters and goals. The database has a huge list of enemy and enemy types, beginner stories that match well with some monster types and not so well with other monster types. In those cases, I have built a mechanism that matches the monsters to the lore. This also means that everytime a new player is created, a brand new lore will be created for that specific character, so the player will always have a unique experience.

The game has a huge database of items, which use the same basic principle as the game Shadowbane(for you old geezers), where each item has a prefix and a suffix – example: Legendary(prefix) Shortbow of Storms(suffix). Creating these kind of weapons and items into the database, allows the player to discover a ton of different options.

The game is AI driven, where the story is built and told by AI.

The project is written in Python and still in it’s very early stages.

This page is currently under development and the projects will be listed here shortly

Completed Projects

Project name: MyFriend

This fun little project was something that I build a few months ago. When ever the bot starts, it gets a new personality with a specific mood and a special interest, which it can go on and on about for as long as you’re interested as well. I’ve been working hard on getting the bot to accept, that it’s not really a bot but a real entity with a personality, interest and feelings. It’s pretty fun to play with, those days when you got nothing better to do. 🙂

Project name: Twitter Post Generator

Description: My Twitter Post Generator is a tool designed to revolutionize your social media experience, offering an effortless way to create engaging and varied tweets. This application, integrating the power of OpenAI’s GPT-3, brings a unique combination of creativity and efficiency to your social media strategy.

Intuitive and Adaptable Interface: The application is crafted with customtkinter, ensuring a user-friendly experience. It adapts to user preferences with selectable light, dark, and system appearance modes, complemented by a calming green color theme.

Tone Customization for Every Occasion: With options ranging from Normal to Inspiring, the app allows you to set the tone of your tweet to match your message’s intent perfectly. Whether you’re aiming for humor, seriousness, or inspiration, the tool molds your tweet to fit your desired mood.

Innovative Hashtag Generation: Enhance your tweet’s reach and relevance effortlessly. Our app automatically generates and adds three additional hashtags based on the tweet’s topic and the chosen tone, ensuring your content engages the right audience.

AI-Powered Tweet Creation: Input your topic and let the AI do the rest. Powered by OpenAI’s GPT-3, the app crafts contextually aware, unique tweets that resonate with your audience, saving you time while maintaining the quality and engagement of your content.

Flexibility in Tagging: Choose to include or skip tags in your tweets, giving you control over your post’s style and reach. This feature allows for a tailored tweeting experience, focusing either solely on content or on maximizing engagement.

Review and Edit with Ease: The app not only generates but also displays the tweet in a separate text box, giving you the opportunity to review and fine-tune it before it goes live on your Twitter account.

Ideal for individuals, social media managers, and content creators, the Twitter Post Generator is your companion for maintaining an active, engaging, and influential presence on Twitter. It’s your perfect tool for crafting the ideal tweet, no matter your goal.